Results for tag: health
French the natural way with the one essential ingredient: comprehensible input
Coucou les French learners,
today I want to share with you my own experience with teaching and learning another language and why facilitating French input which is comprehensible is so dear to my heart.
My personal story and why I teach French the natural way
I have always loved grammar.
How to improve attention by breathing consciously?
Conscious breathing exercises are a big part of yoga and I must admit that at first they were not my favorite part. I started doing yoga because I wanted to get back in shape after giving birth to my third child and I wanted to exercise.
Tomato soup
Days are getting colder here in Germany and it is time to enjoy a filling soup. It is our habit to have a soup at dinner time during the cold seasons until days get warmer again. I usually make a soup using whatever vegetables are in season and to adjust smoothly to a real “wintry”
Restorative yoga before bedtime
One thing that I did achieve during my maternity leave is to get back into shape. In fact, I have never felt so good and so fit in years! First I started to do yoga on a regular basis but I noticed I needed more cardio workout so I decided I would have a go at running.