Results for tag: healthy
How to improve attention by breathing consciously?
Conscious breathing exercises are a big part of yoga and I must admit that at first they were not my favorite part. I started doing yoga because I wanted to get back in shape after giving birth to my third child and I wanted to exercise.
Tomato soup
Days are getting colder here in Germany and it is time to enjoy a filling soup. It is our habit to have a soup at dinner time during the cold seasons until days get warmer again. I usually make a soup using whatever vegetables are in season and to adjust smoothly to a real “wintry”
Restorative yoga before bedtime
One thing that I did achieve during my maternity leave is to get back into shape. In fact, I have never felt so good and so fit in years! First I started to do yoga on a regular basis but I noticed I needed more cardio workout so I decided I would have a go at running.
Healthier breakfast
I am trying to have healthier breakfasts. My biggest problem is that I am not really hungry in the morning and I do not feel like cooking something up. The fact is I am not a morning person and my dear man (thank you so much for that!) does all the breakfast prep.