Results for tag: histoiredefrance
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French the natural way : Notre-Dame de Paris
Coucou les French learners,
I was going to write about something completely different but yesterday’s event has changed everything.
As a Parisian, I am shocked and sad. To look on the bright side, Notre-Dame is not completely destroyed and no one is dead. Les pompiers de Paris,
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French the natural way: get Frenchfidence
Coucou les French learners,
I love meeting my learners each day (except Wednesday which is my “recharging” day) because they bring so much fun and joy.
Last year around the same time, I started the “Meet the learners” series. You got to meet:
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French the natural way: la Grande Guerre
Coucou les French learners,
Dimanche, Sunday, France commemorated the 100 years of the end of la Première Guerre Mondiale, the First World War.
Watch les moments forts, the big moments of the ceremony in Paris here.
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