Results for tag: history
Civilization project to use the past tense in Spanish
I have covered the past tense in Spanish with my grade 8 students (13-14 years old) this term and I want them to be able to describe past events confidently and accurately. Over my teaching experience I have found out that doing the traditional grammar exercises such as filling in the gaps with the correct verb forms does not really work with students.
Spanish story script number 5: ¿Por qué?
Here is another story script which follows the last story about Elena trying to apologize to Pedro. This time Elena offers a present to Pedro and he has to open different packages. The focus is on the difference between “¿Por qué?
IB Spanish students: social relationships
I teach Spanish language B IB to 5 students this year. I find the programm very interesting as it requires higher level language as well as thinking. However it is quite challenging for my students. One topic we have to cover is about social relationships and it is quite a wide and vague topic,
Marceline Loridan-Ivens: a moving account.
When I prepare dinner in the evening, I like to listen to the radio and it usually falls during Le Grand Entretien on France Inter. François Busnel, a journalist spends an hour interviewing different people from authors to comedians to politicians. I like the way this journalist conducts the interviews.