Results for tag: journey
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Baby Stage – Conclusion
Coucou la communauté des French learners !
Je vais maintenant parler en anglais pour conclure et vous expliquer la prochaine étape pour acquérir le Français naturellement.
I am now going to speak in English to conclude and to tell you more about the next step to acquire French the natural way.
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French the natural way: how to retain vocabulary?
Coucou les French learners,
Il fait très chaud ici, au Portugal ! It is very hot here, in Portugal!
This weekend, we went for un pique-nique du soir, an evening picnic by the river. There are many plages,
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French the natural way: context is what matters
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French the natural way: get used to it!
Coucou les French learners,
Je suis de retour ! I am back!
The reason why there was no newsletter for quite a while is a GOOD one! Here is a new addition to our family, a beautiful girl, Jeanne. C’est une grande joie,
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