French the natural way: my big fail!
Coucou les French learners,
I hope you enjoyed the three part series from my previous posts about how to acquire another language:
Easy to do, right? Well… I have a confession to make: I failed to acquire German!
booster castle ci compelling input confession culture dontgiveup Education enjoy enjoyable enmaifaisdufrançais experience fluency fluent francaislangueetrangere fvr germanculture germanhistory guided tour high frequency iamnotalone improve inputaloneissufficient keepitup languageboost learnfromyourmistake learngerman learnportuguese lifeingermany may challenge maycalendar maychallenge Michel Thomas motivation online portuguese online tutor ownexperience personal pleasurereading read relax relaxmax richinput sla TCI trusttheprocess verbling vocabulary Weimar youarenotalone youtube youtube channel youtubers youtubeuse