Results for tag: learn
Teen Stage – Vidéo 27 – Qu’est-ce que je voudrais apprendre ?
Oncle Mitya et les voleurs de cheval
Les trois langages
Story listening is powerful!
To me, developing listening skills are vital in life, yet not practiced enough. As teachers, we are told to let students learn by doing (which is valuable too in some cases) and that classrooms should be students led. As a consequence the skill of listening is being put aside,
Talk about a picture in Spanish
A picture can be a great start for a conversation when it is hard to get students talking in the target language. In my present school, we prepare grade 9 and 10 for the IGCSE exams and one part of the exam is about students having to converse with the teachers about different topics they have previously learned.
Helen Keller: an inspiring story
When I was a child, I read The Story of My Life by Helen Keller. I read this book over a few days and it stuck in my mind. It is an incredible story of a courageous individual who overcame tremendous odds with the help of a tremendous teacher,