Results for tag: lecture
Trois raisons de voir le film français « La tête en friche »
French the natural way: tap into your inner child
Coucou les French learners,
L’automne est bien là, fall is here. Last year, My Dear Man and I published a sweet poem about this special season entitled Jour pluvieux d’automne, written by Michel Beau. Our community members met last Saturday to read and comment the poem together.
French the natural way: how to listen?
Coucou les French learners,
Last week was sad as we said au revoir to charismatic French actor, Jean-Paul Belmondo.
I think I must have watched Cartouche with my brother, sister and cousins cent fois, one hundred times when I was a child and then later on in my life,
French the natural way: what is shadowing?
Coucou les French learners,
Comment ça se passe ? How is it going?
The summer intensive courses are over and we had so much fun with both groups.
With the advanced beginners, we co-created an hilarious story involving a fortune teller and un nain de jardin,