French the natural way: détends-toi, ça va bien se passer !
Coucou les French learners,
C’est le début de la semaine, it is the start of the week and to start off on the right foot, pour commencer du bon pied, RELAX!
The Affective Filter
affective filter benikomason brittany calm castle chateau ci couccou dontgiveup Education enbretagne enfrance enjoy enmaifaisdufrançais envoyage facilitator fle francaislangueetrangere France frenchculture frenchtradition frenchvocabulaire guided tour halfway histoiredefrance keeplearning language learner languageacquisition lefrançaisavecaliceayel lefrançaisnaturellement listentostories low affective filter maychallenge online teaching pureci relax relaxmax rich content richinput self french sla slerlangen18 Stephen Krashen storiesfirst story storylistener storylistening stressfree suscinio TCI trusttheprocess youcandoit