Results for tag: marieetmédoràparis
French the natural way: tap into your inner child
Coucou les French learners,
L’automne est bien là, fall is here. Last year, My Dear Man and I published a sweet poem about this special season entitled Jour pluvieux d’automne, written by Michel Beau. Our community members met last Saturday to read and comment the poem together.
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Où est Médor ?
active listener advanced beginner adventure audio audiobook aventure beginner book captivating cat clues débutant débutant avancé dog easy enigma findings francophone francophonie frenchbook friends friendship listen livre livreaudio marieetmédor montmartre novice novice high novicehigh paris pet pets placedutertre podcast present present tense
French the natural way: comme un bébé !
Coucou les French learners,
C’est la rentrée ! As we say in French, it is back to school or back to work time! The end of summertime 🙁
For many of us, la rentrée 2020 is like no others!
abisproduction abonnetoi apprendlefrancais babies baby baby-stage babystage backtoschool backtowork basics booster boostyourfrench ci cicommunity comingback compelling input comprehensibleinput fle focus on meaning foundation francaislangueetrangere France francophone francophonie french music frenchacquisition frenchacquisitionforall frenchmusic frenchstorytime fvr inputaloneissufficient languageacquisition larentrée marieetmédor meaning newvideos optimalinput rap rapper rentrée rich content richinput sla slowfrench stories trusttheprocess understand videoscripts weekly videos
Le parc zoologique de Paris
animal animals animaux culture débutant avancé frenchculture frenchfood frenchhabits frenchtraditions guidedtour habitudes intermédiaire intermédiaire avancé intermediate jardindesplantes marieetmédor ménagerie parc parcanimalier paris parisians parisien parislove present present tense script teenstories time tradition unpeudeculture upper beginner upper intermediate video videoscript videoscripts vincennes visite visiteguidée zoo