Results for tag: motivated
French the natural way: le plan de la rentrée
Coucou les French learners,
C’est la rentrée des classes ! It is time to go back to school and for many to go back to work and to our everyday routine. It is a bit like starting the new year and I am sure many of you have new resolutions to achieve.
French the natural way: you did it!
Coucou les French learners,
Félicitations !!! You did it!
Je suis folle de joie, I am overjoyed! You watched 31 videos in French every day for 31 days! It is amazing!
French the natural way: meet un nez (a perfume tester)!
Coucou les French learners,
Before you get to meet another fantastic French learner, I want to share with you a very interesting article. It is when you start receiving a lot of input in another language. In fact, you are “receiving so much input that a din of target language develops in your head.
Spanish story script number 4: Lo siento.
Here is another story script which follows the last story about little Pedro losing his notebook. This story has lots of repetitions to focus on “lo siento” and “no sé qué hacer“. I am telling those stories using wooden ice cream sticks which the students love.