French the natural way: a state of flow
Coucou les French learners,
C’est le printemps, ça se sent ! It is spring, we can feel it!
Sweet spring comes back, and revives the birds, zephyrs, and flowers, and my voice.
This weekend, Angus shared his French journey in the Community Chat:
abisproduction apprendre autonomouslearner becomeamember cicommunity cocreate comprehend comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension copy dailyfrench enmaifaisdufrançais expressfluency fle flow fluentinfrench frenchcommunity frenchforall frenchonline frenchreaders frenchwithstories inputaloneissufficient intermediate keeplearning keepmotivated language acquisition languageflow learner lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listentostories live liveclass may challenge maychallenge motivationbreak online french online learner optimalfrench optimalinput parlerfrançais pleasurereading reader reading readingispower recordings selftaught slow french speakfrench stories teen teenstage thinkfrench thinkthat understand understanding