French the natural way: unlock your full potential with premium 1-on-1 coaching!
Coucou les French learners,
Two weeks ago, We spent a magical week in Pau, in the South-West of France. It was exactly what my sister and I had wished for: an authentic experience!
Our small group of 11 French learners were immersed in the French language and culture.
abisproduction advanced beginner autonomouslearner becomeamember beginnerplus boost booster cicommunity coach coaching comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension consistency consistent dailyfrench determined discipline disciplined engage engaged fle french for fun frenchbeginner frenchcommunity frenchforall fun inputaloneissufficient intensive interact intermediate journey keepmotivated language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listen motivate motivated motivation motivationbreak natural novice high novicehigh online learner private reading reboot reward slow french speakfrench upper beginner