Results for tag: quiz
Voici la saison qui décline de Victor Hugo
French the natural way: la Toussaint
Coucou les French learners,
This week was special in France. Not because of Halloween, but because of La Toussaint which literally means All Saints Day. France being traditionally and historically a Catholic country, the French celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. In the Western Christian practice,
How to encourage students to produce comprehensible output on sports
My grade 7 students (12-13 years old) did comprehensible presentations about some popular sports in Hispanic countries. First, I wanted to model a presentation because whenever my students produce Spanish output,
The perfect song to use the past tenses in Spanish!
I love using songs in my lessons and I found out that my students enjoy it too! Apparently some of them even buy some of the songs! When we listen to a song in class, we listen to it several times in the week at the start of each Spanish lesson.