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Rhumus se cache à Paris
active listener activelistener advanced beginner adventure adventures animal animals animaux audio audiobook aventure aventures beginner book cat chat continuation conversation cute débutant débutant avancé easy enfrance famille family France frenchbook frenchreader friend issue listen livre livreaudio lookingfor lost mignon monuments novice novicehigh paris past podcast present problem sequel smalltalk suite sweet visitparis
Rhumus à Paris
active listener activelistener advanced beginner adventure adventures animal animals animaux audio audiobook aventure aventures beginner book cat chat conversation cute débutant débutant avancé easy enfrance famille family France frenchbook frenchreader friend issue listen livre livreaudio lookingfor lost mignon monuments novice novicehigh paris podcast present problem smalltalk sweet visitparis
Le chasseur et le roi
adultstories Africa african animal bird culture débutant avancé francophone francophonie happyend happyending ill illness imparfait imperfect imperfect tense intermédiaire intermédiaire avancé intermediate judge king legend légende niger passé-composé passécomposé past past tense present perfect queen richinput richvocabulary romance scorpion storyscript tale treasure turtle upper beginner upper intermediate wife
French the natural way: les fables
Coucou les French learners,
Are you feeling overwhelmed with French?
Many of my learners want to travel to France and/ or be ready for a French examination. At one point they do feel overwhelmed. They want to know certain grammar points or to be able to pronounce some difficult words in French.
authentic boostyourfrench ci cideb comment comments compelling comprehensible comprehensible input easy french easy reader fable fabledelafontaine fables fle francaislangueetrangere frenchbooks frenchbooster frenchmovie frenchstorytime fun story fvr jeandelafontaine lafontaine languageacquisition lefrançaisavecaliceayel lefrançaisnaturellement lelionetlerat lion onlinefrench pleasurereading relax relaxmax richinput season#3 season#4 sla souris storylistener storylistening storyreading storytime stressfree TCI youtube youtube channel youtubeuse
French the natural way: la Bretagne
Coucou les French learners,
I am back from France where I got to eat delicious food and spend quality time with family!
As you already know, I was in the West of France, in a beautiful region called la Bretagne. Check out my Instagram account to see all the pictures.
Agen Bretagne breton breton online brittany church ci Cooking creperie crepes crepesparty discover discovering Easter église fable fables familylife fle francaislangueetrangere french acquisition french online frenchculture frenchfamily frenchfood frenchregion frenctradition galettes lafontaine lefrançaisnaturellement lefrancaispartout legend morbihan ratdeschamps ratdeville restaurant rhuys saintphilibert self french Skype sla TCI TPRS TPRS Agen workshop TPRS witch travel travelling vannes visit voyage voyageenfamille weekendvideo youtuber youtubeuse