French the natural way: juste la lecture…
Coucou les French learners,
Le printemps est arrivé chez moi ! Spring has arrived at my home!
At this time last year, I published a video about a special garden in la Bretagne,
Coucou les French learners,
Le printemps est arrivé chez moi ! Spring has arrived at my home!
At this time last year, I published a video about a special garden in la Bretagne,
Coucou les French learners,
Today is la rentrée in France. French children go back to school and the beaches and holiday resorts are now empty until les prochaine grandes vacances, next summer holidays!
Coucou les French learners,
Félicitations !!! You did it!
Je suis folle de joie, I am overjoyed! You watched 31 videos in French every day for 31 days! It is amazing!
Coucou les French learners,
I hope you enjoyed the three part series from my previous posts about how to acquire another language:
Easy to do, right? Well… I have a confession to make: I failed to acquire German!
Coucou les French learners,
I know you may think the title is cheesy, right? Amuse-toi ! Enjoy! I was actually trying to find the right translation in French for “enjoy” but could not really find it. “Enjoy” doesn’t really exist in French! So I thought s’amuser would be the best way to express it.
Coucou les French learners,
Janvier, January: les nouvelles résolutions, new resolutions!!!
This month I have decided to share with you the experiences of my faithful and incredible learners from all over the world. They have different backgrounds,
Coucou les French learners,
Last night, I was tutoring a 12 years old French student and she had to learn a list of vocabulary about all the different rooms in a school: la cantine, le gymnase, la salle des profs, le laboratoire… Instead of having the learner memorize each word and repeat them after me,