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French the natural way: 3 idées pour profiter du printemps
Coucou les French learners,
C’est le printemps, spring is here!
As I write this newsletter on Good Friday, Vendredi Saint, I thought I would share with you a presentation I gave today to my wonderful beginner’s class with Express Fluency.
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French the natural way: 3 idées pour profiter de l’automne
Coucou les French learners,
C’est l’automne, fall is here!
Les berges de la Seine en automne, c’est beau !
Here is a little poem written by Isabelle Jaccard entitled Feuilles d’automne (you can listen to it here):
abisproduction abonnetoi apprendlefrancais audio audio file audiobook audiolivre automne autumn beginnerfrench boostyourfrench enjoy enjoyable enjoytheride fall french poem frenchacquisitionforall frenchbooster languageacquisition listen livresenfrançais marieetmédor marieetmédoràlacampagne octobre pdf philosophy pleasurable activity podcast poem poème poésie poetry read reader relaxmax slowfrench stories yoga youcandothis