Results for tag: relaxmax
French the natural way: one story a day
Coucou les French learners,
Comment allez-vous ? How are you doing?
The weather is getting much colder where I live and I feel like staying at home, doing yoga and listening to stories!
It is freezing, it’s not wrong.
French the natural way: les fables
Coucou les French learners,
Are you feeling overwhelmed with French?
Many of my learners want to travel to France and/ or be ready for a French examination. At one point they do feel overwhelmed. They want to know certain grammar points or to be able to pronounce some difficult words in French.
French the natural way: my big fail!
Coucou les French learners,
I hope you enjoyed the three part series from my previous posts about how to acquire another language:
Easy to do, right? Well… I have a confession to make: I failed to acquire German!
French the natural way: Amuse-toi !
Coucou les French learners,
I know you may think the title is cheesy, right? Amuse-toi ! Enjoy! I was actually trying to find the right translation in French for “enjoy” but could not really find it. “Enjoy” doesn’t really exist in French! So I thought s’amuser would be the best way to express it.