Results for tag: religion
Le Bon Jésus
French the natural way: en mai, fais du français !
Coucou les French learners,
Le mois de mai, May is fast approaching!
Do you remember last year, same time? I was explaining you the popular French dicton, saying ” En mai, fais ce qu’il te plaît “,
French the natural way: les oeufs de Pâques !
Coucou les French learners,
Les fêtes de Pâques !
Today is silent, les cloches des églises ne sonnent pas. Church bells are not ringing because it is Samedi Saint, Holy Saturday.
But tomorrow is Pâques ! And I am so fortunate to be spending this special time in France,
French the natural way: la Toussaint
Coucou les French learners,
This week was special in France. Not because of Halloween, but because of La Toussaint which literally means All Saints Day. France being traditionally and historically a Catholic country, the French celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. In the Western Christian practice,