Results for tag: repetitive
French the natural way: tips to start reading
Coucou les French learners,
I have just finished reading such an impactful post about language acquisition. Jody Noble, who is a fanstastic language teacher has been discussing the myth around language practice.
Courtesy of Compelling Input Productions
She writes: “Why do people continue to believe that PRACTICE is the key?
How to find out about your learners interests in a compelling way?
I have started teaching French to a group of 3 girls aged 10 years old. They are native German but they have been attending a primary school where they were taught French intensively, it was like an immersion type of school so their level is very good.
French game to recycle and repeat: Jean-Jacques Julier
I am back home after a big road trip which took my whole family all the way down to Portugal, then Spain and finally to La Bretagne in France. We got to discover beautiful places and meet amazing people and we also had the chance to reunite with family and old friends.
How can a children’s book be for everyone?
I am always on the look for interesting funny stories and at the same time stories which are comprehensible to my learners. A few months ago when I was busy breastfeeding, I was reading the TPRS bible “Fluency through TPR storytelling” by Blaine Ray and Contee Steel and one chapter entitled “Kindergarten Day”