Results for tag: script
Braga romaine
French the natural way: take your French to the next level
Coucou les French learners,
j’ai une grande nouvelle à vous annoncer! I have some big news to announce!
L’abonnement est prêt, the subscription is ready!!!
Boost your French for as little as 4.75EUR/month.
J’adore le vrai café,
How to build up to a story in French?
My online learners are acquiring French at a fast and steady pace and it is amazing to watch them progress naturally. Unlike last school year when I was trying to use TPRS along with my other resources, I have decided to give it a full go following each of the three steps…
French story and poem: un amour qui finit mal !
My French students are now learning the passé composé in class and I am looking for ways to help them acquire this new tense without doing the traditional grammar approach.
The first text which came to my mind was Le déjeuner du matin which is actually a poem widely taught in French classes because the language is quite simple and repetitive.