Results for tag: self learner
Comment acquérir le Français naturellement ? Condition numéro 1 – Comprendre
French the natural way: enjoy the ride!
Coucou les French learners,
J’ai des bonnes nouvelles ! I have GOOD NEWS!
Becoming fluent in French is NOT a chore. It is a natural process which happens over time NATURALLY.
Speak to me!
Une mauvaise experience
Barry who is a new member of the French learners community asked me this very good question: ”
French the natural way: how to speak confidently in 5 steps
Coucou les French learners,
Il pleut, il pleut bergère… It is raining, it is raining sheperdess…
I would have given my head to be cut that it would be a nice day today!
It is a popular song for children which has its origins in a French opera or opéra comique written in 1780 by Fabre d’Églantine.
French the natural way: le déclic
Coucou les French learners,
j’ai eu le déclic ! I clicked!
I love my journey acquiring German. I have finally found resources on and off line which I enjoy and which I understand. It is no longer a burden to get myself reading or listening to German,