French the natural way: juste la lecture…
Coucou les French learners,
Le printemps est arrivé chez moi ! Spring has arrived at my home!
At this time last year, I published a video about a special garden in la Bretagne,
Coucou les French learners,
Le printemps est arrivé chez moi ! Spring has arrived at my home!
At this time last year, I published a video about a special garden in la Bretagne,
Coucou les French learners,
Bonne fête de la Saint Nicolas !
It is Saint Nicholas day today and where I live in Germany, it is a big event. My boys were dusting and shining their shoes for his coming.
Coucou les French learners,
Est-ce que tu as un vacarme dans ta tête ? Do you have a din your head?
There is nothing worse than silence, it precedes the din.
Involuntary Mental Rehearsal
Last week I read this interesting article published by Jeff McQuillan about the “Din in the Head”.
Coucou les French learners,
La confiance, confidence is key !
“One earns confidence by drops and loses it by litres” Jean-Paul Sartre
Over the past few weeks, I have truly come to believe that gaining confidence is key to acquire another language.
Coucou les French learners,
I am writing to you from lovely Portugal right now enjoying the sun and the heat.
Have a look at my Instagram account to see more pictures of mon séjour,
Coucou les French learners,
L’automne, fall is now around the corner and this quote by French author Albert Camus is à propos, n’est-ce pas ?
Fall is a second spring when each leave is a flower.
Ta Maman française
Coucou les French learners,
Today is la rentrée in France. French children go back to school and the beaches and holiday resorts are now empty until les prochaine grandes vacances, next summer holidays!