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French news: Embrace “La Rentrée” with our French program
Coucou les membres de la communauté,
As we fully embrace “la rentrée“, returning to routines and starting fresh after the summer break, I find myself in an unexpected position.
While the hustle and bustle of this season is in full swing,
accountability accountable acquirefrench active listener activelistener activelistening advanced advanced beginner advanced french amusing backtoschool backtowork beginner beginner french bookclub chansonfrancaise clubdelecture comingback comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensionquestions conversation feedback feelgood guidance infolettre interact interaction interactive larentrée lessons letsplay live session liveclass motivation novice novicehigh play progress readandlisten rentrée song speak speakfrench stayontrack stepstospeaking success teaching train training understand understandfrench upper beginner youcandoit zoomclass
French the natural way: embrace “La Rentrée” with a fresh perspective on your journey
Coucou les French learners,
Welcome back to our newsletter as we step into the season of “la rentrée” in France!
This uniquely French concept goes beyond simply returning to school or work after the summer break. For the French, “la rentrée”
accountability accountable acquire acquirefrench active listener activelistener activelistening advanced advanced beginner advanced french backtoschool backtoschool2024 backtowork beginner chanson community comprehension conversation feedback feelgood free freeresource frenchclass frenchclasses frenchcommunity frenchnews frenchsong gocommunity guidance infolettre interact interaction interactive intermediate keepgoing keepitsimple keepmotivated lessons live session liveclass memorize memorizing memory motivation novice novicehigh objective observe progress questions research speakfrench stayontrack stepstospeaking teaching train training upper beginner visual visualize vocabulaire vocabulary
French news: Join me & the community for la rentrée !
Coucou les membres de la communauté,
I am thrilled to invite you to our upcoming live Zoom session this Wednesday for an hour of comprehensible French!
Wednesday September 4
4pm UK / 5pm France / 11am EST / 8am PST
Immerse yourself in French and meet our supportive community.
accountability accountable acquirefrench active listener activelistener activelistening advanced advanced beginner advanced french amusing backtoschool backtowork beginner celebrate chansonfrancaise comingback comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensionquestions conversation feedback feelgood frenchgame game grammaire grammar guidance infolettre interact interaction interactive larentrée lessons letsplay live session liveclass motivation novice novicehigh play progress rentrée song speak speakfrench stayontrack stepstospeaking success teaching train training understand understandfrench upper beginner youcandoit zoomclass
Sur le Pont d’Avignon – Chanson enfantine
avignon beginner bridge chanson chanson pour enfants chansonfrancaise chansonpopulaire chanter child children childrensong corps débutant débutant avancé diapo diaporama easy facile France frenchculture frenchfood frenchhistory frenchvocabulaire histoiredefrance interact interaction interactive interactive quiz legend listen music musique novice novicehigh odp past past tense present present tense presentation presentense slides slideshow upper beginner upper intermediate