French the natural way: what is shadowing?
Coucou les French learners,
Comment ça se passe ? How is it going?
The summer intensive courses are over and we had so much fun with both groups.
With the advanced beginners, we co-created an hilarious story involving a fortune teller and un nain de jardin,
abisproduction advanced beginner autonomouslearner becomeamember chocolate cicommunity class comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension confidence course dailyfrench expressfluency fle frenchclass frenchcommunity frenchculture frenchfilm frenchforall frenchlesson frenchmovie fvr inputaloneissufficient intermediate language acquisition learner lecture lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listen liveclass livre livredumoment natural novice novicehigh online learner pausecafe podcast reader reading self confidence selftaught shadow shadowing speak speakfrench speaking skills stepstospeaking storyasking upper beginner