Results for tag: slowfrench
Lecture facile — Anton la souris
Lecture facile — Rhumus le rat
Vern et ses amis
French the natural way: 3 steps to read aloud
Coucou les French learners,
Are you ready to speak French this year? I know you probably are but you may have this fear of speaking and making mistakes.
I have the answer for you.
Remember, you speak when you feel ready to. Do not force yourself to speak if you are not ready yet.
French the natural way: the benefits of becoming patient
Coucou les French learners,
How has this new year started? I hope not too fast! I know I need to remind myself to slow down.
Living life at a fast pace often leads to stress and frustration. BUT acquiring another language teaches you to take your time and become patient.
French the natural way: the year of growth
Coucou les French learners,
Bonne année et bonne santé 2023 ! I hope you’re ready for all the wonderful experiences this new year has in store for you!
I’m not a big resolutions person because I always fail. My brain gets overwhelmed by this new year’s “to-do list”