Results for tag: slowfrench
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French the natural way: get used to it!
Coucou les French learners,
Je suis de retour ! I am back!
The reason why there was no newsletter for quite a while is a GOOD one! Here is a new addition to our family, a beautiful girl, Jeanne. C’est une grande joie,
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French the natural way: C’est le moment !
Coucou les French learners,
Joyeuses Pâques un peu en retard ! Happy belated Easter!
It was a very special Easter, one to remember but still Easter brings us l’Espoir, Hope! And here is a cute little poem about les oeufs de Pâques,
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French the natural way: enjoy the ride!
Coucou les French learners,
J’ai des bonnes nouvelles ! I have GOOD NEWS!
Becoming fluent in French is NOT a chore. It is a natural process which happens over time NATURALLY.
Speak to me!
Une mauvaise experience
Barry who is a new member of the French learners community asked me this very good question: ”
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L’invention du livre de poche
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