Results for tag: song
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French the natural way: listen to songs
Coucou les French learners,
June 21 is the official start of summer, youpi ! And to celebrate the longest day of the year, we have La Fête de la Musique. Live music is everywhere in parks and in the streets of cities and villages in France.
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Le rossignol et l’empereur
amusant andersen bird birds cage castle china conte conversation cute débutant avancé dialogue emperor happy housework imparfait imperfect intermédiaire intermédiaire avancé intermediate kingdom machine palace partnership passé-composé passécomposé past past tense pasttense present presenttense sad sing soup tale teenstories upper beginner upper intermediate
French the natural way: sit back and enjoy!
Coucou les French learners,
On Monday we celebrated Saint Nicolas. As a little girl, this story has always terrified yet captivated me. My mum would sing the song to me and I always wondered what the first line exactly meant –
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French the natural way: join us to play in French!
Coucou les French learners,
This week in the advanced beginner class with Express Fluency, we sang a famous song by French singer, composer and actor Eddy Mitchell. This song is entitled La dernière séance and is about about a small cinema in a city’s neighborhood closing down.
abisproduction autonomouslearner babystage becomeamember bonneheure brain brain work chansonfrancaise cicommunity cinema comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput culture dailyfrench dailyreading easy reader ebook fle fluentinfrench frenchcommunity frenchculture frenchforall frenchtradition games happyhour histoiredefrance inputaloneissufficient intermediate keeplearning keepmotivated language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble letsplay live m@p marieetmédor motivationbreak online learner optimalfrench optimalinput paris podcast reader selftaught slow french