Results for tag: speaking
French the natural way: focus on intonation (not pronunciation)
Coucou les French learners,
Comment ça va ? La pêche ? la banane ?
We use many expressions with fruits and vegetables in French… Well lots of expressions with la nourriture, food!!! Have a look at this cool video about French idioms with food.
French the natural way: LISTEN to THEN SPEAK
Coucou les French learners,
Je suis très très très fatiguée !!!
BUT I am also RAVIE, THRILLED because I have just attended the one week conference in the cloud organized by Express Fluency and it was GREAT!
French the natural way: is speaking good enough?
Coucou les French learners,
It is that time of the year when we remember our past and our ancestors. On Monday, the French commemorated the end of la Première Guerre Mondiale, the First World War, also called l’Armistice. Last year’s newsletter was all about that special day.
French the natural way: how to speak confidently in 5 steps
Coucou les French learners,
Il pleut, il pleut bergère… It is raining, it is raining sheperdess…
I would have given my head to be cut that it would be a nice day today!
It is a popular song for children which has its origins in a French opera or opéra comique written in 1780 by Fabre d’Églantine.