Results for tag: spring
Le muguet de Maurice Carême
French the natural way: 3 idées pour profiter du printemps
Coucou les French learners,
C’est le printemps, spring is here!
As I write this newsletter on Good Friday, Vendredi Saint, I thought I would share with you a presentation I gave today to my wonderful beginner’s class with Express Fluency.
French the natural way: youpi, c’est le printemps !
Coucou les French learners,
There is une vague de chaleur, a heatwave going on here, in Europe and we are enjoying the beautiful weather!
Le printemps, spring is really blossoming. It is beautiful out here! Actually, Spring and the blossoming nature is a bit like language acquisition.
French the natural way: les fleurs
Coucou les French learners,
As I am leaving for France tomorrow, I am sending out the newsletter a bit earlier.
Le printemps arrive ! Spring is coming!
Pas vraiment ! Not really though! It has been a long and hard winter here in Europe.