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French the natural way: les oeufs de Pâques !
Coucou les French learners,
Les fêtes de Pâques !
Today is silent, les cloches des églises ne sonnent pas. Church bells are not ringing because it is Samedi Saint, Holy Saturday.
But tomorrow is Pâques ! And I am so fortunate to be spending this special time in France,
bakeacake baking bells Bretagne chocolate cake chocolate eggs christian christiancelebration church cloches Cooking cuisine cuisinefrancaise culture culturefrancaise decoration dimanchedepâques diy Easter easter eggs easter treats eastersunday eggs église eireté entree eternallife fabergé fable fle francaislangueetrangere France french traditions frenchcuisine frenchculture frenchfood frenchtradition gateauchocolat holysaturday jesus kitchen lefrançaisnaturellement lefrancaispartout legend lifeoverdeath oeufmollet oeufsdepaques oieauxoeufsdor pâques paraguay patisserie recipe religion resurrection samedisaint storylistening truffes vie weekendpaques youtubeuse
Tomato soup
Days are getting colder here in Germany and it is time to enjoy a filling soup. It is our habit to have a soup at dinner time during the cold seasons until days get warmer again. I usually make a soup using whatever vegetables are in season and to adjust smoothly to a real “wintry”
balsamic basil big family blend cold comfort comforting cook cookbook Cooking easy equipment family meal fast few ingredients garlic habit health healthy homemade jamie oliver kitchen light lowcarb meal meals onion organization organized personal recipe red onion rustic simple simplify staple tomato tomatoes vinegar warm warming filling winter