Results for tag: stress
Prononciation : Ça me stresse / Ça me calme
amusant basic basics boost booster calm confidence course diction drill drôle easy facile frenchexpression frenchsound frequentwords high frequency live session mostfrequent notgood opinion parlefrancais parler parlerenfrancais prononciation pronounce pronounciation repeat repeating repetion self french slow french slow pace sounds speak speakfrench speaking speakup superexpression superstructures training video vocabulary vocalize voice warm up warmup
Teen Stage – Vidéo 7 – Qu’est-ce qui me stresse en ce moment ?
advanced beginner apprendslefrançais day débutant avancé diary free writing freewrite frenchacquisition frequentwords givingopinions habit habits habitude high frequency hope intermédiaire intermediate intro journal journaling journalintime lireàhautevoix lireàvoixhaute lireenfrançais novice high novicehigh opinion opinions out loud output personality personnalité present present tense presentation presenting production repeat repeating rich vocabulary richinput routine script scripts slow french slow pace stressfull superexpression superstructures teen-stage upper beginner video vocabulary write writing
La lecture avant de dormir : une routine que votre cerveau aime
advanced advanced french advantages amoureux article authentic avancé avantages brain cerveau free voluntary reading french article frencharticle frenchvocabulaire intermédiaire intermédiaire avancé intermediate lecture lire lovereading plaisirdelire pleasurereading pourquoi powereading present present tense pros read readingispower seniorstories sleep sommeil stressfree upper intermediate why
How to improve attention by breathing consciously?
Conscious breathing exercises are a big part of yoga and I must admit that at first they were not my favorite part. I started doing yoga because I wanted to get back in shape after giving birth to my third child and I wanted to exercise.
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Yoga during homeroom time
I have become a yoga fan because it has benefited me a lot during this past year. I can see the benefits for anyone, especially youngsters who are going through difficult stages in their lives: body changing, hormones kicking, big exam time… When I have a homeroom (or form in English from England!) next year,