Results for tag: target structure
Un homme pressé
Bruce a soif
Il y a un homme. Il s’appelle Bruce comme l’acteur américain, Bruce Willis. Bruce est américain comme Bruce Willis et il est musclé comme Bruce Willis.
Bruce n’est pas stupide, il est un peu intelligent. Bruce Willis n’a pas de cheveux, il est chauve mais Bruce a des cheveux.
How to find out about your learners interests in a compelling way?
I have started teaching French to a group of 3 girls aged 10 years old. They are native German but they have been attending a primary school where they were taught French intensively, it was like an immersion type of school so their level is very good.
From story-telling to story-asking
I am reading TPRS with Chinese characteristics: making students fluent and literate through comprehensible input by Terry Waltz and I am learning a great deal! I definitely recommend this book if, like me, you want your learners to truly develop fluency and proficiency in another language and on the other hand you do not consider yourself advanced in TPRS and comprehensible input,
French story and poem: un amour qui finit mal !
My French students are now learning the passé composé in class and I am looking for ways to help them acquire this new tense without doing the traditional grammar approach.
The first text which came to my mind was Le déjeuner du matin which is actually a poem widely taught in French classes because the language is quite simple and repetitive.
El día de los muertos and Halloween in Spanish
There are two great videos which are to be found on Spanish Cuentos YouTube channel and which are great to talk about two major cultural events happening very soon!
The first one “La noche de brujas” is perfect for one lesson: