Results for tag: target structures
Un homme pressé
Caroline, la poupée
Bruce a soif
Il y a un homme. Il s’appelle Bruce comme l’acteur américain, Bruce Willis. Bruce est américain comme Bruce Willis et il est musclé comme Bruce Willis.
Bruce n’est pas stupide, il est un peu intelligent. Bruce Willis n’a pas de cheveux, il est chauve mais Bruce a des cheveux.
French the natural way: Election Day
Coucou les French learners,
today is the first round to vote for the next French president and in my mailbox, I received the programs of each of the eleven candidates along with their names printed on a piece of white paper.
French the natural way: Belgian or French fries?
here is your weekly dose of French comprehensible and compelling input to acquire the language naturally.
As you know, I teach French naturally through stories. My learners experience story asking and story listening, they truly enjoy it and they memorize French vocabulary effortlessly and permanently.