Results for tag: tradition
Faire un pari à Las Vegas
French the natural way : le quinze août
Coucou les French learners,
Bienvenus, welcome back!!!
It has been a while but I am back home after an amazing road trip through Spain and France! I have many good news to share with you but first I want to talk to you about le quinze août,
French the natural way: Joyeuses Pâques !
Today is Lundi de Pâques in France and it is a bank holiday. Children have been told that the bells from Rome flew all the way to France to deliver chocolate eggs and they are now happily hunting chocolates in their gardens.
French culture: celebrating la Chandeleur !
Candlemas is around the corner and I have prepared some fun activities to do in the French class to celebrate this special event. In fact as the activities are mainly centered around crepes and how to make them, you could also use them to celebrate Mardi Gras (which is on the 9th of February this year) or if you are teaching a topic on food.