Results for tag: training
amusant basic basics boost booster confidence course diction drill drôle easy facile frenchexpression frenchsound frequentwords high frequency live session mostfrequent notgood opinion parlefrancais parler parlerenfrancais prononciation pronounce pronounciation repeat repeating repetion self french slow french slow pace sounds speak speakfrench speaking speakup superexpression superstructures video vocabulary vocalize voice warm up warmup
French news: Confidence in French, A New Perspective
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Today, I’d like to share some thoughts on language acquisition that have evolved over time.
As you know, I’ve long been a staunch advocate for the power of comprehensible input in achieving fluency.
abisproduction advanced beginner authentic autonomouslearner becomeamember cicommunity communauté community comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension confiance confidence course dailyfrench dailyreading fle frenchcommunity frenchculture frenchforall frenchreaders improve improvement inputaloneissufficient intensive language acquisition learner lecture lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listen natural novice novice high novicehigh online learner output progress prononcer pronounce pronounciation pronunciation reading reboot self confidence selftaught slow french speak speakfrench speaking storyasking tips upper beginner
Prononciation : J’ai bien dormi / J’ai mal dormi
amusant basic basics boost booster confidence course diction drill drôle easy facile feelgood feelwell frenchexpression frenchsound frequentwords high frequency live session mostfrequent notgood opinion parlefrancais parler parlerenfrancais prononciation pronounce pronounciation repeat repeating repetion self french slow french slow pace sounds speak speakfrench speaking speakup superexpression superstructures video vocabulary vocalize voice warm up warmup
French news: fall into better conversations with our fall resource
Coucou les membres de la communauté,
Online live fall classes kicked off yesterday, and as always, I feel uplifted seeing both new and familiar faces on Zoom.
Teaching is a joy for me because I love having funny, authentic interactions with people from all over the world.
accountability accountable acquirefrench active listener activelistener activelistening advanced advanced beginner advanced french amusing beginner beginner french comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensionquestions conversation diaporama expressfluency expressfluency2024 feedback feelgood guidance infolettre interact interaction interactive larentrée lessons letsplay live session liveclass motivation novice novicehigh play progress readandlisten slides slideshow speak speakfrench stayontrack stepstospeaking success teaching train understand understandfrench upper beginner youcandoit zoomclass
French news: Embrace “La Rentrée” with our French program
Coucou les membres de la communauté,
As we fully embrace “la rentrée“, returning to routines and starting fresh after the summer break, I find myself in an unexpected position.
While the hustle and bustle of this season is in full swing,
accountability accountable acquirefrench active listener activelistener activelistening advanced advanced beginner advanced french amusing backtoschool backtowork beginner beginner french bookclub chansonfrancaise clubdelecture comingback comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensionquestions conversation feedback feelgood guidance infolettre interact interaction interactive larentrée lessons letsplay live session liveclass motivation novice novicehigh play progress readandlisten rentrée sing song speak speakfrench stayontrack stepstospeaking success teaching train understand understandfrench upper beginner youcandoit zoomclass