Results for tag: useful
« Le terme de coach est galvaudé »
Emma et le papier toilette
Les nouvelles technologies, l’avenir du papier et de l’imprimé !
Cinq astuces pour tenir ses résolutions
Le 18 décembre 2018, écrit par Myreille Simard.
Faire du sport, mieux manger ou arrêter de fumer, pourquoi prenons-nous des résolutions le 31 décembre de chaque année ? D’où nous vient cette coutume ? Que vous souhaitiez prendre davantage soin de vous ou être plus heureux,
Story listening is powerful!
To me, developing listening skills are vital in life, yet not practiced enough. As teachers, we are told to let students learn by doing (which is valuable too in some cases) and that classrooms should be students led. As a consequence the skill of listening is being put aside,
Students blogging in Spanish and learning many skills.
I created another blog for my Spanish students where I want to share resources and students’ work. As a matter of fact I already had another blog on Posterous but it closed down and therefore I had to look for another free platform. I found Kidblog which is free for up to 50 students and does not require students to sign in with an email address.