French the natural way: sing, write and love French!
Coucou les French learners,
We are back from our Easter break! And although we have taken a few days off travelling and eating (too many) chocolates, we have also had time to launch the Teen Stage, youpi !
abisproduction apprendre autonomouslearner becomeamember brain brain work cicommunity cocreate comprehend comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension copy dailyfrench expressfluency fle fluentinfrench freewrite frenchcommunity frenchforall frenchonline frenchreaders frenchwithstories happyeaster inputaloneissufficient intermediate keeplearning keepmotivated language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listentostories live liveclass motivationbreak online french online learner optimalfrench optimalinput parlerfrançais pleasurereading reader reading readingispower recordings selftaught sing slow french speakfrench stories teen teenstage thinkfrench thinkthat understand understanding