Results for tag: youcandothis
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Rester motivé à acquérir le Français naturellement : Le plaisir d’acquérir
achieve achievement approach approche becomefluent boostyourfrench brain brain work ci citation citations comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput conditions enjoy enjoyable enjoytheride fluency fluent fluentinfrench french literature frenchacquisition frenchlearner frenchlearners frenchquotes happynewyear howto inputaloneissufficient languageacquisition learner learnfrenchthenaturalway lefrançaisnaturellement literature newyear nouvelleannee objectif objectives optimalfrench optimalinput pleasure present present tense quote reach resolution resolutions rester-motive self french self learner sla stressfree TCI teenstories trusttheprocess videoscript videoscripts youcandoit
French the natural way: tap into your inner child
Coucou les French learners,
L’automne est bien là, fall is here. Last year, My Dear Man and I published a sweet poem about this special season entitled Jour pluvieux d’automne, written by Michel Beau. Our community members met last Saturday to read and comment the poem together.
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French the natural way: What kind of reader are you?
Coucou les French learners,
j’espère que vous passez un bel été ? I hope you are a having a beautiful summer?
I have just finished the two intensives courses for advanced-beginners and intermediate. C’était génial ! It was a total blast!
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French the natural way: 3 idées pour profiter du printemps
Coucou les French learners,
C’est le printemps, spring is here!
As I write this newsletter on Good Friday, Vendredi Saint, I thought I would share with you a presentation I gave today to my wonderful beginner’s class with Express Fluency.
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