Results for tag: youtube
French the natural way: 3 steps to read aloud
Coucou les French learners,
Are you ready to speak French this year? I know you probably are but you may have this fear of speaking and making mistakes.
I have the answer for you.
Remember, you speak when you feel ready to. Do not force yourself to speak if you are not ready yet.
French the natural way: the benefits of becoming patient
Coucou les French learners,
How has this new year started? I hope not too fast! I know I need to remind myself to slow down.
Living life at a fast pace often leads to stress and frustration. BUT acquiring another language teaches you to take your time and become patient.
French the natural way: the year of growth
Coucou les French learners,
Bonne année et bonne santé 2023 ! I hope you’re ready for all the wonderful experiences this new year has in store for you!
I’m not a big resolutions person because I always fail. My brain gets overwhelmed by this new year’s “to-do list”
French the natural way: Joyeux Noël !
Coucou les French learners,
I am writing to you and it is Christmas Eve. As a family, we are ready to enjoy a feast and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at midnight.
Le sapin est décoré, les cadeaux sont emballés et le festin est prêt.
Trois raisons de voir le film français « Les rayures du zèbre »
Les Rayures du zèbre est un film belgo-franco-helvético-ivoirien réalisé par Benoît Mariage.
José, un belge de quarante-cinq (45) ans, est agent de footballeur. Il va souvent en Côte d’Ivoire, en Afrique dans la capitale Abidjan pour repérer des joueurs de football talentueux. Un jour, José découvre Yaya,